Contractor: DÚHA, a.s.
Construction time: 06/2014 – 04/2016
Contract value: EUR 9.279 mil. excluding VAT
Construction and reconstruction of buildings and facilities
Reconstruction, superstructure and the extension of the Children’s Faculty Hospital in Košice
Contractor: DÚHA, a.s.
Construction time: 4/2013 – 1/2015
Contract value: EUR 14 mil
Construction of the St. Michal’s Hospital in Bratislava
Contractor: STRABAG Pozemné a inžinierske staviteľstvo s.r.o., DÚHA, a.s.
Construction time: 3/2014 – 10/2015
Contract value: EUR 50 mil, the civil part of which was EUR 28 mil.